Fixing the provisioning problem

You want to spend time developing, not worrying about your servers

Strackt will help you configure and manage your online infrastructure. You bring the server: strackt will configure and maintain it. We don't want to just help you do a one off setup - we continue to manage and update it for you, letting you focus on the things you love to do.

The Journey

Ideas are cheap and plentyful. Building it is going to be the hard part. This website will need to guide me along that journey, keeping me honest and keeping me going forward. By publishing as much as I can about this project and it's progress I hope to keep my own momentum and bring this to completion (or at least to a MVP)


Keeping track of progress is probably the best way to see if this is going anywhere

Getting from an clean Ubuntu 24.04 to a configured server
Building a user interface to configure your server
Monitoring tooling for health and uptime
Provisioning templates
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Frequently Asked Questions

Aren't there any other tools that already do this?

Plenty of tools that can help you here: Forge, Ploi, ServerPilot, RunCloud, Moss. A feature I keep missing and want to fix with Strackt is management, updates and maintenance after the first configuration.

Why would I need a tool like this if I can just configure a server myself?

Configuring a server to do what you need it to do is not the problem; the problem comes when you need to maintain it after the initial set-up. Strackt will help where the usual time-drain kicks in.

Why would I use a tool you just build in your spare time?

My reasoning: if it bugs me enough to build a new tool, there will probably be enough people to poke me to keep going.