Scaffolding all around

A project like this needs a lot of support

I am trying to find a balance between learning and building; learning to do it the right way, building to put knowledge into practice. Having this wide set of tools, available knowledge and hardware is very satisfactory. Since at the core this is about making servers managable it's good to put this into practive straight away. Everything needs to be code and code needs to run consistently with the same result every time.

Consistency is not just about thinking of all the edge cases, but also just testing. Testing its output, but also testing the strength and quality of the code. Find and fixing all the bugs is even a little fun. Getting everything structured is just a way to protect myself later down the line.


  • Plowed through tens of VMs already during creation and testing
  • First POC machines coming out consistently
  • Structuring and modularizing along the way