The plan felt sound; get to an MVP in 2021. But the execution is flawed with the amount of time I am spending on this project at the moment.
With my holiday coming up, I need to restructure and replan this approach
- Define the MVP in more detail
- Rework and refine the scope based on the MVP
- Individual feature refinement
- Clear next steps
- Make it public
My holiday homework (believe it or not it usually really relaxes me) is to draw the outliines of this project and evaluate if I still believe in it. Believe in the fact that I will enjoy making it and believe that it's feasible to 'finish'. Believe is the first goal.
When returning from holidays, the assignment will be to make a detailed planning for the last four months of the year - a planning that fits with my current overpacked schedule.
As this struggle is part of the process, I believe I should also document this part... just for myself
- Developing doubt 🥺
- Rethinking the execution path 🤔